Monday, January 17, 2011

I want... that

I’m not much of an outline guy when it comes to writing. And I don’t ask who my readership is going to be. I write what I think is interesting and hope there are other people out there wired the same way I’m wired. It’s a lesson I learned from William Zinnser, and I wonder if we can apply it to more than just writing. We can apply it to business, if you will, and even leadership. When we are ourselves, we tend to find the people who understand us and there is a natural chemistry and so productivity.... (Donald Miller, blog)
The weekend spent in Tahoe with people that know me well was one of wrestling with who I am becoming and who I already have become. Things that I learned from the weekend:

Friendships ebb and flow, they don't always stay the same.

You might not feel loved in a moment but that doesn't mean that people don't love you.

Friends who weren't married a few years ago will get married and it doesn't mean that they will change overnight. Whoever they bring to the table will be an extension of them, so much so that you want to have them around because you know that the other person is their best self when with their significant other.

Cooking takes a lot of time and energy, if you want to do it right- using the best ingredients like sheep's milk ricotta cheese.

Dancing like a real Animal (and wearing a fur vest) to Miike Snow's song only perpetuates your reputation that you are one.

You are not a burden to the world in any way.

There are hipster coffee shops even in the middle of suburbia, central valley California.

Snow-garitas taste better than margaritas.

Martin Luther King is meaningful to my friends and students alike:

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.


  1. Loved spending time with you this weekend...a trip to Tahoe wouldn't be the same without a car ride with you. And the next time you need someone to bail you out in charades, I'm there. :)

  2. it's true, you aren't a burden. I hope you can believe that.
