Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hopeful. I feel hopeful about what happened today for our country. I could feel it walking the streets, the spring in my step. Maybe I felt it tonight, ranting and raving creatively and purging my true emotions. Meeting new friends and sharing a brown-bag experience with them in Dolores Park.
I walked a child to school, I learned from one of my students that Obama likes to boogey-board, I sidled up next to a first grader during the election coverage. I got chills when Obama spoke of the changes and unity he hopes to see in our country. Sitting next to French teachers, for the first time in a long while, I was proud of my country, my heritage, and what we stood for as a nation. I enjoyed Katie Couric's familiar voice and the chaos of the Washington, D.C. scene and the attention deficit of the first graders surrounding me.
I also shared my own dream of starting a school with a group of strangers, exposing myself. I know that it's a longshot, a pipe-dream if you will, but I hope for it to happen. If my friend Maggie thinks that she would potentially give $10,000 to the school, then I think that it's legitimate. I want to foster creativity, to challenge perspectives, to shower kids with affirmation and opportunity. I feel such a connection to San Francisco that I want it to happen, here, now, even though it seems vaguely outside the realm of possibility. Lately, I've had a hard time accepting my current situation and I feel propelled towards scheming about the future.
Enough of my self-deprecation, today was a day of looking outwards and upwards.

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