My friends Rachael, Pryor, Laura, Claudia, Matt, Kevin, and soon Maggie have all experienced Africa in some profound way. I was always excited to hear about what had been stirred in their heart by their experiences, but it was hard for me to relate.
I thought today, while sketching outside, that I didn't understand Pryor's wanting me to paint a picture for of kids in Africa for her dad until I saw the kids here myself. I couldn't complete a project that I knew wouldn't elicit emotion in her the way that the orphanages in Kenya did. Now I know why Claudia thought about marrying a Ghanaian, Pryor wanted a tangible piece of evidence to give her dad from their Kenyan trip, Rachael held countless fundraisers for her friend Jaclyn's village in Northern Uganda. I hope that she'll still let me paint that picture for her for Christmas this year.
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