Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Things I don't want to forget

as my mind overflows with information like students' names, how I can get from point A to point B on my bike, there are certain things that I want to remember about this time in my life...

Like I contemplate life on the way home from Oakland on Tuesday nights driving back over the Bay Bridge and seeing the city all lit up.

Like the entire K-5 population of my public school in SOMA where I'm student teaching shouted "Going to college!" after being asked "What are you going to do when you grow up?" or the one girl in my fifth grade class whipping around her hair extension (I made her throw it in the trash).

Like I locked myself out of the house today, after not being able to find my keys this morning (they were in the basket by the door where I left them).

Like I combined two works punctuation and sanctuary to make the word PUNCTUARY. One of my classmates told me that was such a Meg moment, it was.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO...whipping her hair extention.

    I NEED to hear bout that over the phone!


