Sunday, September 27, 2009


I just finished my first paper of my life post college. Well finished... I'll never actually be done. That's part of the problem with me being unable to finish a painting or leave the classroom: there's always something more that can be done. I remember nights spent in college when I couldn't leave the computer lab until the wee hours of the morning, until I read over the paper one more time. I couldn't just say, "I'm done with it, I'm finished, it's now out of my hands." I'd rather spend the time until I got my grade back worrying and anxiously formulating what I had mistakenly analyzed.
I'm attempting to let go of this, to heal myself from certain expectations I placed upon myself while an undergraduate. Some of these ideas weren't healthy for me or my mind. As I start on this new adventure, I'm excited to see what learnings I can undo and renew.

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