Sunday, May 9, 2010

Babies and co.

I just saw this movie, BABIES, with my friend Robin.
Four babies, four locations, four different lives:
Tokyo, Japan
San Francisco, CA
I have to admit, the Sufjan Stevens music trailer, got me in the early stages- even though most of the time, I'm fearful of babies and don't go crazy over them.
French director, of course- no narration, just life being lived.
There were parts that were hard to watch, moments that made me squirm, but also ones that made me laugh. I don't think, in fact I know, I'm not ready for motherhood- but there is this incredible bond shared by parents and children worldwide, regardless of socioeconomic status or location.
Moments that made me think that we completely overcompensate with our children here in the United States (myself included), when those in third world countries have more independence and seem the most content.
But another film in the previews got me going too- all about educational reform, Waiting for Superman. Yet another confirmation that I do want to be doing what I do, in hopes of somehow affecting change. I already found the website and pledged to save our schools by pledging to see the film.
So, here I go tomorrow, trying to save my classroom and starting to try to bridge the gap between first and third world children. Wish me luck...

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