I have to steal my friend Emily's byline on this one, I feel things pretty deeply. I don't know if it's how women are made, as Eve Ensler likes to think, or if it's just me, Meg Garner, Gem Renrag, Miss Gardner.
I feel when I am walking from place to place- feeling things about the city.
I feel when I am touched by one of my kids, in particular the one who likes to think he is a cat and purrs against me five times a day.
I feel when I hear from people's voices and can connect over the phone, even though we aren't in the same place.
I feel when one of my classmates experiences a potentially threatening situation.
I feel when I experience something that moves me- a song, a story, a movie, that I have a personal connection to.
I feel when I'm studying about ideas or situations that I care about or want to reform.
I feel when I'm artistic or creative in some way- it might even be swashing the green paint over egg carton caterpillars.
I feel when I think about Africa and the people there.
I feel when God does something, shows me in some way, that I'm valuable, that He loves me.
I feel when I'm hungry, tired, anxious, depressed, over/under-caffeinated, awake, hungover, elated, vulnerable- in community, by myself.
I feel almost every moment of every day- even though my feelings aren't always founded in reason, they seem logical enough for me to feel them. They don't want to be ignored, suppressed, or belittled.
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