Like all weeks off, I have high expectations for what I will accomplish. I will paint everyday, write a novel, get ahead with my school work, clean out my room, deep clean my apartment, see everyone that I haven't connected with in a while, write letters, finish incomplete projects, take naps, post photos, spend time in silence, listening to God. The gist is that I would do things that I wouldn't normally do. This week did take on that shape, but in a way different than I could have expected. I did spend time with my family and we dined at fine establishments and biked over the Golden Gate Bridge. I saw my pregnant cousin for the first time since she told us she was pregnant. I got a new makeup look with my mom, fixed my bike, found my lost keys.
For some reason, it's Friday and I'm the slightest bit disappointed that I didn't finish all that I had set out to do. I watched more TV than read books, got less sleep than I planned, and still fill disorganized come Monday.
I think that's how life works: when we set these expectations that are impossible to meet, we will never satisfy all of the requirements for us. I set a reminder each day for noon that said "God is showing himself to me by..." Each day, there was something incredible happening at noon- whether it was an engaging YUTES conversation, a view of the San Francisco bay, looking at powerful art, or getting my makeup done sitting next to my mom. That's what I will take away from this week, that everyday God chose to reveal his love to me in a unique way.
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