Monday, May 4, 2009


I got to meet Zooey Deschanel the other night at the film festival screening of her film, 500 Days. Well, I didn’t really get to shake her hand or get a picture taken with her (I would never be that kind of fan), but I did sit in the front row of the Kabuki theater with her 5 feet away. I could see the glistening diamond on her engagement ring to Death Cab lead singer, Ben Gibbard. I could tell that she was a normal human being, she fidgeted, she interrupted, she stumbled over her words. It was a powerful experience for me because there she was, watching the same movie I was on-screen the whole time. And then I got to process through relationships and the expectations that we place on them with Zooey and her co-star, Joey from Third-Rock (my friend Claudia's childhood look-alike), who now is cuter than can be. I got to see the drastic dichotomy between reality and expectations, how we think one thing, especially with relationships, and that thing more often than not does not come true.
My anxiety was subdued that day after seeing a movie where I felt okay with my human-ness, my disillusioned reality. I didn't have to go out dancing to prove myself, I didn't have to be crazy on a Saturday night to know that I was okay. As Zooey said herself, movies can either build you up or tear you down. This one built me up such that I was buoyant, it was refreshing to see the stark, contrasted reality of a relationship budding and crashing, over the course of 500 days.

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