Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tales from a 3rd grade nothing
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
There's light at the end of the tunnel
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A harsh reality
First, I accept the reality that this city is a transient one. People stay here for short chapters of their life usually, and I accept it.
Second, I determine to be present for that chapter of their life, knowing that their story is a long one, and God has still given me the gift of being part of their story, and they a part of mine. This also means that as a church we must always embrace the opportunity to impact the lives of people who will be scattered all over the world.
Third, I prioritize the community I do have, and seek to grow that circle.
Fourth, and this is perhaps most important, I see where I live as a calling. God has placed me here, in this transient place, for a reason. There will be parts of it that I will love, and parts of it that will be hard, and fall under the category of participating in the "fellowship of his sufferings". But none of it will fall outside his calling of me to be his presence, right now, in this very transient, and amazing, and fractured city, and to use my resources, gifts, experiences, and abilities to follow Him in mission.
Report cards
Monday, November 1, 2010
We create because we were made to create, having been made in the image of God, whose first role was Creator. He was and is a million different things, but in the beginning, he was a creator. That means something for us, I think. We were made to be the things that he is: forgivers, redeemers, second chance-givers, truth-tellers, hope-bringers. And we were certainly, absolutely, made to be creators.If you were made to create, you won't feel whole and healthy and alive until you do. My husband is a pianist and songwriter, and you can set a timer by his need to play and create. If it's been too long, I can feel it in our house, like something gone bad in the refrigerator or a dead mouse in the walls. He was made to play, to sing, to create with sounds and notes and words, and when he doesn't, he's not himself.I know there are some artists who create around the clock, who feel art coursing through their very veins, who can go without sleep and food and human interaction for days while they revel in the rich universe of their own minds. But I think those artists are very rare, or maybe that they're fibbing. I think for most of us, it's hard work, fraught with fear and self-consciousness, and that it's much easier to make dinner or mow the lawn or reply to emails...And we do it (create) because it makes us feel aware and alive and created for a purpose more than almost anything else in our lives. There are a zillion things I don't do well, a thousand things I do just because I'm human and I have to, and when I do them I certainly don't feel any spark of having been created for something very specific and tender. I don't feel anything when I do the dishes or when I drive or when I buy groceries.But every once in a while, when I write, I feel that feeling of a thousand slender threads coming together, strands of who I've been and who I'm becoming, the long moments at the computer and the tiny bits of courage, the middle of the night prayers and the exact way God made me, not wrong or right, just me. I feel like I'm doing what I came to do, in the biggest sense. That's why I write, because sometimes every once in a while, I feel entirely at home in the universe, a welcome and wonderful feeling. I could cry at that feeling, because it happens so rarely. Doing the hard work of writing makes me feel like I'm paying my rent on a cosmic level, doing the thing that I can do to make the world a little better decorated. Writing wakes me up, lights me on fire, opens my eyes to the things that I can never see and feel when I'm hiding under the covers, cowering and consumed with my own failures and fears...Get up. Create like you're training for a marathon, methodically, day by day. Learn your tricks, find a friend, leave the dirty dishes in the sink for a while. This is your chance to become what you believe deep in your secret heart you might be. You are an artist, a guide, a prophet. You are a storyteller, a visionary, the Pied Piper himself. Do the work, learn the skills, and make art, because of what the act of creation will create in you.